Come to your best home away from home!
A variety of breakfast foods are provided for you to fix at your convenience. Otherwise, there are several restaurants in the area to visit as well.
We offer a variety of amenities to make your stay with us as comfortable as possible. Satellite TV is available with free wifi. A large deck to sit and watch the wildlife with your morning coffee and a gas grill for cooking meals, if you choose not to dine out on the town. A fire pit is also available with firewood to enjoy a quiet evening with friends.
Whether this is your first visit to a bed and breakfast, or you have been a guest many times, we want your experience to be excellent. There is plenty of room available for a girls weekend away, or a reunion of friends and family.
Rate is for 2 guests only.
Rate is for 2 guests only.
Plus all applicable state and local sales tax and, hotel/motel taxes will be added to the total.
Pets are allowed as long as they are contained when you are not in the cabin, and they are cleaned up after.
Be the first to hear about local events and new amenities.
Ready to book with us? Have a question about our rooms or services? We'll be happy to help!
9:00 am - 9:00 pm